There are many things that go into making a successful web page and, bedsides just observing the legalities, I want to thank them personally.
Department of Defense. I receive most of my information and pictures through regular DoD channels and they are always helpful. This includes the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine and Coast Guard photographers that sometimes place their lives on the line to bring us the news.
My side kick and better half, Diana, my children Joseph and Sharon, who without their assistance and patience, none of this would ever get done.
The Stars and Stripes, for allowing me to use a photo here and there.
Mr. Suryana, for his fine graphics. (Go see him at www.
The Reverend Bill McDonald and the Vietnam Experience web page for his morale support.
Att Worldnet Service
Defend America
America Supporting Americans
Community Policing Consortium
Smoke Jumpers
America’s Bravest
Fire Museum
Infantry Men
The Chaplains Service
Arlington National Cemetery
Quintana (For allowing us to use her pinups!)
And everyone else that I have linked to, or has graciously allowed me to link to them. If I have missed anyone, believe me it is not intentional. Also if I have failed to credit someone, please contact me and I will make sure you get the credit you deserve.
All news items or photos are printed by permission and if I have inadvertently printed something without permission, please contact me so I can correct the problem.
To Everyone who helped or contributed, a big thank you from me and our men and women of all uniformed servic
A very special thank you to Arnold Ajello, who somehow put up with my novice writing and tried his best to make me better. He states his job is obviously not finished.
I also need to mention Bob Price, who's cartoons will soon be gracing our pages.
I want to thank Mr. Suryana for the animated graphics.
A special thank you to Tim Moriarty who keeps me on my toes by making sure I do my research. Thanks buddy.
More thanks you's
Other people to thank
The Associated Press
Thanks Again to Dewa Animations
I again want to thank my special friends at Stars and Stripes. Jenifer, your the best. To you and Max, thank you for your service to our men and women in uniform. Keep up the good work.
Sharon and Nathan
Military Footprints
To my brother Chris; God bless, buddy. Steve
As this web site expands, I find myself having to thank more and more people. Here are some more:
Doc at
Artie at
AOP News
Afghan Online Press
Baghdad Press
September the 11th at:
I also should say a word about the Eagle.. I got that picture on a web site that showed no copyright. However, the picture is called War Paint and it was done by Forrest Gladden and is one of the best pictures I have ever seen of a Patriotic Eagle.
FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of criminal justice, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain
I also wanted to thank Doug at
He provided some of our Navy/Marine graphics which he tells me takes about 23 hours each to make.
Thanks also to Patriotism Contributors for posting our page.
And finally, I want to thank the good Lord for all his help, without which I would have never attempted this site.
Thanks also to my Army Sisters. God bless you and yours.